Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sir Crabby Pants

So, I'm irritated.  No wait.  I'm happy.  No wait.  I'm Hungry.  Wait.  No....I don't want that stinking bottle!  Get it out of here!  Wait...
I don't know what I am.  I've been crabby for days.  Even Mommy can't console me sometimes.  She keeps saying something about teething.  I don't know.  Maybe.  I know that my new favorite thing to do is cry and try to eat Mommy's face. 

Other updates:  I can sit on my own now for about 5 minutes before falling over.  Sometimes I even bend myself completely in half,  face down.  It doesn't bother me but it seems to freak out other people.  I think Mommy is just jealous because she used to be a dancer and now she can't even touch her toes.  Oh.  Sorry.  I guess she can if she really tries.   

All my clothes are shrinking.  None of them seem to fit right anymore.  Maybe it has something to do with "Oh my goodness!  He's getting so big!"  I hear that a lot. 

grumble, grumble, grumble.  I'm too crabby to write anymore so I will attach some pictures.  Enjoy, don't enjoy.  Do what you will.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Fortune Cookie Letter

Yesterday I got a fortune cookie and inside it read: "You are good with words.  Write a letter."  My mama ate the cookie and told me that I needed to write a letter.  I don't think that's exactly fair but here goes.

Dear Everyone,
Hello.  How are you?  I am great!  I went to the ENT last week and found out that I can hear!  Oh, wait.  I always knew that I could hear but apparently my mom didn't and this news made her very happy and relieved.  I might have some issues with my right ear.  The Dr. still can't see my ear drum because that ear canal is so small but I'm all good on the left side.  We have to go back in a couple of months to have that right ear checked again.  But I think I hear just fine.

I'm still not rolling over any more.  I did it a few times and I just don't see the big deal.  It's making mama unhappy because she has to fight with the physical therapist.  I think it's kind of fun to watch her get all worked up when the PT tells her that she's not motivating me enough.  When I heard her say "Well, obviously you're not motivating him enough or he would roll over." I thought "Uh-oh, lady.  You better watch out.  She might look all nice but she might cut you."  It was funny.  Her face was really red. Hahaha.

I've become quite the talker and funny man.  In fact, 4 am is the most funny time ever.  It's one of my favorite things to do, wake up telling jokes in the middle of the night.  I used to sleep through the night but once I discovered how funny everything is at night, there's just no going back.  For whatever reason though, no one else thinks my jokes are that good.  I don't get it.  Sleep is for losers.

We're looking for a new place to live.  Time is almost up at the little pink house by the lake.  It was kind of lucky that we got those really hot days to enjoy what it would be like if we really lived here.  We're going to look at houses in Grand Rapids this weekend.  It's so much closer to where mama works and I hear all kinds of talk about saving money on gas not having to drive from Holland to Grand Rapids every day.  I'm sad to leave this house.  It's cozy and was my very first house.  I'm sure mama and daddy will find me an even nicer place though so it will be ok.

I am looking forward to spending spring break with my brother and sister from Chicago.  They are coming up this weekend and spending the whole week (never done that)!  We are going to decorate eggs (never done that) and go on an Easter Egg Hunt (never done that) and go to Great Wolf Lodge for a couple of days (never done that either and it sounds a little dangerous with all those wolves!)  So as you can see, next week is going to be an awesome week filled with all kinds of stuff I've never done.

I hope you have as good a time as me.


If you missed it when I did my dramatic reading of Elmo & Cookie Monster, I present to you an encore performance.